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A Sacred space at the heart of the community
Celebrating Hospitality, Hope and Humour


Baptism is a response to God’s love – a desire and a commitment to respond to God’s call to follow the example of Jesus Christ. It is also a celebration, a time to come together with family and friends; remembering that you are loved by God, are part of a wider community and have a place with God’s people. During a baptism, you make promises to God, have a sign of a cross made on your forehead in oil and are baptised with water, to represent your new life with God, and being part of God’s family.

We welcome both adults and children for baptism and the baptism of children is sometimes called ‘Christening’. Some families prefer to have a thanksgiving ceremony for a new child instead of a baptism and this can also be arranged. Baptisms and thanksgivings are generally conducted at a separate service at 12 noon or 1 p.m. on the 2nd Sunday of the month.

To talk about arranging a baptism or thanksgiving, please contact Adrian on 07781-177177. Teresa Holden, our Church Warden, will send you a Baptism Enquiry Form to complete, we then arrange a time to meet. We would ask that you come along to the Family Service.